3 bedroom terraced house
Mountford Street, Sparkhill, Birmingham , B1

Guide Price: £126,000

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3 bedroom terraced house
Mountford Street, Sparkhill, Birmingham , B1

Property description:

Reception Room One: 12'x.0” x 11.2”

New carpet, gas and electric meter, prepaid electric meter, electric sockets, painted wall and ceiling and radiator.

Storage Area: Under stairs small storage area currently using for refrigerator.

Reception Room Two : 12'.2” x 11'.3”

New carpet, radiator, painted walls and ceiling, Double Glazed window view to garden, electric sockets, tv mount and shelve for sky box, door leading to kitchen, and door leading to upstairs.

Kitchen: 9.8” x 6'.0”

Fully tiled new floor, partly tiled wall, sink, double glazed window, wall cabinet, extractor fan, radiator, boiler, cooker, place for washing machine and breakfast table.

Bathroom Downstairs: 7'x.5” x 6.9”

New bathroom fully tiled floor and walls, double glazed window, radiator, wash basin, toilet and bath tub with mixer shower.

Stairs: Fully carpeted, painted wall and ceiling.


Landing: 13'.2” x 2'.7”

Painted wall and ceiling

Bedroom One: 11'.2" x 10'.2”

New carpet, double glazed window, radiator, painted wall and ceiling, electric socket.

Bedroom Two: 12'.1” x 8.5” New carpet, double glazed window, radiator, painted wall and ceiling, electric socket.

Bedroom Three 9'.5"x 5'.10" New carpet radiator newly painted wall